Workshop Proceedings:Sub-regioonal Action Planning to Strengthen Regional Collaboration: Support of the Implementation of National Ivory Action Plans (NIAPs) in Central Africa
発行:TRAFFIC, Central Africa【2016年5月】
著者:Sone NIKOKE Christopher, Paulinus NGEH Chiambeng, Nick AHLERS【英語】32pp
Traceability System in the CITES Context: A review of experiences, best practices and lessons leaned for the traceabiliry of commodities of CITES-listed shark species
発行:TRAFFIC for the CITES Secretariat【2015年12月】
著者:Victoria Mundy, Glenn Sant【英語】90pp
Breaking The Ice:International Trade in Narwhals, in the Context of a Changing Arctic
発行:TRAFFIC Americas、WWF Canada【2015年3月】
著者:Tanya Shadbolt, Ernest W. T. Cooper, Peter J. Ewins【英語】126pp